The accompanying SAP Instructional exercise guides you on the most proficient method to Make Various Lenders GL Record in SAP bit by bit. You could various lenders through the making of an Overall record at any point account and relegate the merchant to a compromise represent the record type.
- Menu Path:- IMG –> Financial accounting –> G/L Accounting –> GL Accounts –> Master Data–> Preparations –> GL Account Creation and Processing –> Edit G/L Account
- Transaction Code:- FS00
Step 1:- Enter Exchange Code FS00 in the SAP order field and press enter

Step 2:- In the Alter G/L Record Midway screen, Update the accompanying subtleties
1. Enter G/L Account
2. Update Company Code
3. Click on Create Icon

Step 3:- In the Following screen, update the accompanying information
1. Account Group:- Update Account Group of GL Account
2. Select P&L Statement account or Balance sheet account
3. Short text:- Enter the short text of G/L
4. G/L long text:- Enter a detailed description of the GL account

Step 4:- Click on Control information and update the accompanying information.
1. Account Currency: – Update Account currency of GL Account
2. Reconciliation Account for account type: Select reconciliation account type ( we are creating GL Account for Sundry Creditors, so we selected vendors )
3.Account Management in company code: Select Appropriate Account Management i.e., open item management or Line item display
4. Sort Key: Update sort key

Step 5:- Click on Create/ Bank /Interest and enter the following data
Enter the Compromise accounts field status bunch and enter

Step 6:– Click on the Save symbol to save the arranged GL Record

Various Lenders GL Record is effectively made in SAP.