One fine morning, your business comes to you and pleasantly suggests, “Adobe Forms are cool. We should convert our Smartforms to Adobe.” You might be unsure how to respond. Indeed, converting existing Smartforms to Adobe Forms could require significant time and effort. In SAP Adobe Form Tutorial Part XII How to Convert Smartform to Adobe Form?, we will guide you through the process of making this transition smoothly. We recommend giving it a go and exploring the benefits of Adobe Forms!
SAP has forever been ground-breaking and in reverse viable. In a similar line of reasoning, they have given a choice to switch Smartforms over completely to Adobe for certain snaps. Allow us to check. How?
Allow us first to create a basic Smartform.

Press the Create button

Add a Boundary in Structure Connection point

Add one more boundary in Worldwide Definitions
Make text under Fundamental Window in %PAGE1

Make a table under Fundamental Window

Double tap on %TABLE1
Go to the Information Tab and keep up with the Interior Table (IT_VBAK) and Work Area (WA_VBAK) Subtles.

Then, at that point, Go to Table Tab, and change line type to 2 sections.

Right Click on Header -> Create -> Table Line

Select Line Type %LTYPE1

Keep up with the Header in 2 cells by making the Messages

Right Snap on Principal Region – > Make – > Table Line
Select Line Type %LTYPE1
Keep up with the 2 factors by under the Cells Deals request (VBELN) And Deals Association (VKORG)

Check, Save, Initiate.
We are finished with making the Smartform.
Can we test now?
Yes. For this situation, we are not utilizing any driver programs. We will test remain solitary.
From the smartform screen, press the Execute (F8) button. Again, you press the Execute (F8) button. All things considered, smartform is saved as a capability module in SAP.

Enter a few information into IT_VBAK table

Press on Supplement Information button.
Then press the Execute button, select some neighborhood printer, and press Print Review.

You see a basic smartform yield.
Go to SMARTFORMS Exchange. Give your smartform name.
Go to Utilities -> Migration -> Interactive Form -> Export

Enter the necessary Adobe Structure name and press Enter.


Select all the necessary really look at boxes

Enter. Save as a Nearby Item ($TMP) or in transport on the off chance that you have.
Presently Go to Exchange SFP
Initiate the Connection point.

Give the Adobe Structure name YRAM_ADOBE_FORM and press the Change button.
Go to Properties Change the Format type to Standard Layout

Go to Setting. Check a setting in Adobe Setting region is now replicated.

Go to Design and see the format that is duplicated from Smartform.

Check, Save, and Enact.
Presently, we can test the Adobe frame? Indeed, physically once more!!
Enter the information into IT_VBAK


You have just switched a Smartform over to a rich Adobe Form. I trust you find this process valuable. For more detailed instructions, refer to “SAP Adobe Form Tutorial Part XII How to Convert Smartform to Adobe Form?“ where we cover the steps and best practices for this conversion.
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