Transaction code: SFP
Enter the Point of interaction and press on Make (Interface is mandatory for Adobe form).SAP

The portrayal, and press Enter.

Enter the bundle name and save. Beneath Screen shows up.

Press the Make button to add a bringing-in boundary.

Add IV_AUFNR, which is of type AUFNR, and really take a look at the discretionary banner. Check, Save, and Actuate the Structure Connection point.

Back. The structure name and press the Make button.

Enter the portrayal and point of interaction name that we made before.

Enter the bundle name and save. Following screen shows up.

Open the import boundary and simplify the expected variable to Setting.

Then press the Design Tab. The accompanying screen shows up.

Intuitive the field that you needed to print on the structure to the configuration view. You can put this field anywhere in the format.

There will be a toolbar with the name Object Library. If you are not able to find it, go to Palettes -> Object Library.

In the Toolbar, search for Barcodes choice. Grow it.

The following are the various sorts of standardized tags. Generally, we use Code 128C, yet it can change in view of the nation and prerequisite.

Simplified the Code 128C Standardized Identification to your Format.

Go to Data Binding and bind the order number: IV_AUFNR.

Place a heading (text) on the top (not required): BARCODE GENERATION EXAMPLE

Check, save, and enact the structure. We are finished putting the scanner tag and restricting it to an information source. It is just straightforward. Isn’t it?
Testing Adobe Form Stand-Alone:
To see yield for test reason. Go to SFP and give your structure name. Press F8 and give a worth to bringing in boundaries, very much as you accomplish for capability module and see the result.

Enter the IV_AUFNR (Request Number). Execute (F8). Press the print review button and see the result.

Check the scanner tag closely. It has the same number as the request number. Your machine can easily recognize it. For a more detailed guide, refer to “SAP Adobe Form Tutorial. Part XIV, How to Generate Barcode in Adobe,“ where we explain how to position tables side by side in your Adobe forms.
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