The accompanying step guides how to keep up with the Maintain source list in SAP.
Step 1: – Access the exchange utilizing one of the accompanying route choices.
SAP R/3 Path: – SAP Easy Access > Logistics > Materials Management > Purchasing > Master Data > Source List > Maintain
Transaction Code: – ME01 – Maintain
ME03 – Display
ME04 – Changes
Step 2: – On the “Maintain source list: initial screen” enter the following details
- Enter the material number that you to keep up with the source list.
- Enter particular plant code.

Step 3: –On the”maintain source list: outline screen” enter the accompanying subtleties
- Enter the substantial period until which you can acquire this material from this merchant.
- Enter merchant code in the seller field.
- Enter particular buying association.
- Select the decent source field in the event that the merchant is fixed.
- Select block cause of supply field assuming that the merchant is impeded for obtainment for this material.
- Enter 1 in to be remembered for the MRP run.

Subsequent to refreshing every one of the obligatory fields, pick the save symbol to save the sections. The message will be shown as the source list changes.