About Company Code:– Company Code in SAP is the littlest organizational unit of Monetary Representing which you draw individual budget summaries like Monetary record and Benefit and Misfortune Record for reason for outer revealing. The Production of organization code in sap is required.
Company code in SAP – Important points
- Something like one organization code should be characterized in a SAP framework to carry out SAP FI – Financial accounting module in SAP.
- Organization code should be executed in SAP framework according to burden regulation, business regulation.
- Organization code is utilized for an outer bookkeeping frameworks to general articulations.
PATH:- IMG Reference –> Enterprise Structure –> Definition –> Financial Accounting –> Edit, Copy, Delete Company Code

SAP Tutorials
Transaction code to Define company Code in SAP:- OX02
Steps to Define Company Code: –
Step 1:- Enter Exchange Code SPRO in the laud field and press enter

Steps 2:- In tweaking execute project screen select SAP Reference IMG

Step 3:- In the next screen select Edit, Copy, Delete check Company Code

Step 4:- The below screen displays after selecting Edit, Copy, Delete Company Code ( Define Company Code )

we can make organization code by choosing the over two choices. By choosing the principal choice duplicate, Erase, organization code all the arrangement and tables get replicated naturally alongside tasks.
Here we are making organization code physically design every one of the tasks by choosing the subsequent choice Edit Company Code Data. Double click on Edit Company Code Data

Step 5:- Click on New Passages and update the accompanying subtleties

1. Update new Company code key AD06
2. Give the organization name Softat Pvt Ltd for recognizing the organization code key
3. In Additional Data update the details of City, Country, local Currency of company, Language.
Click on Address and Update the following fields –

In the wake of refreshing Location enter Snap on the Save symbol In this way the organization code AD06 is made in SAP.
Now Create a New Company for the Country: US
- Company Code: AD07
- Company Name: Adarsh Technologies US
Additional Data
- City: New York
- Country: US
- Currency: USD
- Language: EN

Click on Address symbol and update the location subtleties for the new organization code and snap on save symbol to save the subtleties. Presently it prompts for modifying demand number, click on make symbol and make a new redoing demand number for organization code and save the subtleties.