SAP Adobe Interactive Form Tutorial Part IX Displaying Dynamic Text in Adobe Forms

SAP Adobe Form displaying dynamic text elements

We have previously learned how to display Text Modules t-code Smartforms and Include Texts (t-code SO10) in SAP Adobe Forms. While working with text types, we encounter three options in the drop-down menu. Today, in SAP Adobe Interactive Form Tutorial Part IX Displaying Dynamic Text in Adobe Forms,” we will focus on the third text type, Dynamic Text. Depending on your business needs and scenarios, you can decide which text type to use.

Transaction Code: SFP.

The Point of interaction name and Make (Point of interaction is compulsory for Adobe structure).

Enter the necessary short portrayal and Save.

Enter the Bundle name and Save.

Allow us to add our own custom Boundary Name. Select the Import choice under Structure Connection point (left side) and press the Make button (right side) to add a Bringing in Boundary.

TSFTEXT is the Table Type can be used to display the dynamic text in Adobe form.

TLINE is the structure included in Table type TSFTEXT.

Allow us to add our own custom Boundary Name. Select the Import choice under Structure Connection point (left side) and press the Make button (right side) to add a Bringing in Boundary.

Save, Check and Initiate the Point of interaction.

Go to back SFP Exchange principal screen. Make the structure.

Press on create button. Provide the short description and Interface name which you have created earlier.

Enter the Package name and Save.

Drag IT_TSFTEXT Table from Interface to Context

Go to Context. Right click on the YRAM_ADOBE_FORM9 under the context and create a text

Select the Text Type drop down.

You can see 3 choices:

  1. Text Module
  2. Include text
  3. Dynamic text

We have proactively examined text module and Remember text for our past posts, presently we will dis out Powerful message.

Right snap on the YRAM_ADOBE_FORM9 under the unique circumstance and make a message. Select the TEXT and double tap. Change the text type to Dynamic text and Enter. Enter the subtleties like beneath


Save and go to Design. Embed a Text and increment the size according to your prerequisite.

Map your TEXT to drifting field {TextField}.

Save and actuate the structure.

Allow us to execute this Structure and see the result. Press on Test Button (F8).

Enter the text in to IT_TSFTEXT.

Press on Insert  data  button.

Execute. Press on Print Review.

Thank you very much for your time! I hope you found this guide helpful. For a deeper dive into working with Adobe Forms, check out SAP Adobe Interactive Form Tutorial Part IX Displaying Dynamic Text in Adobe Forms


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