SAP Adobe Interactive Form Tutorial Part VI Displaying Text Module Texts in Adobe forms

"Screenshot of SAP Adobe Interactive Form displaying text module texts."

Today, we will explore another frequently used feature of any printing technology (SAPScript, Smartform, and Adobe). Just like displaying the standard texts maintained in the SO10 t-code is a very common requirement in forms, displaying the texts maintained in the text modules in the SMARTFORMS t-code is another common business need. In this SAP Adobe Interactive Form Tutorial Part VII, Displaying Text Module Texts in Adobe Forms, we will walk you through how to achieve this efficiently.

Allow us to figure out how to show text modules in SAP Adobe Structures.

Transaction Code: SFP.
Enter the Interface name and Create (Interface is mandatory for Adobe form).

SAP Adobe Tutorial

Enter the expected short portrayal and Save. Click the Bundle name and Save.

Allow us to add our own custom Boundary Name. Select the Import choice under Structure Point of interaction (left side) and press the Make button (right side) to add a Bringing in Boundary.

Text Modules in SAP

Save, Check and Activate the Interface.

Go to back SFP Transaction main screen. Create the Form.

ABAP Freshers

Press on make button. Give the short depiction and Connection point name which you have made before.

Enter the Bundle name and Save.

Drag IV_LANG Field from Interface to Context.

Go to context
Right click on the YRAM_ADOBE_FORM6 under the Context and create a Text.

context and create a text

Select the drop down.

Text Module

You can see 3 options:
1. Text Module
2. Include Text
3. Dynamic Text

Text Module: Text modules can be made in exchange SMARTFORMS.

Go to Transaction: SMARTFORMS.

Smartforms and SAP Adobe

Press On Make and enter the necessary text – you can utilize existing text modules moreover.

Save in a Bundle. Back. Return to your SFP Context.
Select the TEXT and double tap.
Change the Text Type to Text Module and hit Enter.
Enter the subtleties like underneath:
           Name: TEXT_FROM_TEXT_MODULE
           Text Name: ‘YRAM_TEXTMODULE’
           Text Language: IV_LANGU
           No error if text not available = Check the box.


Go to design. Simplified the “TEXT_FROM_THE_TEXT_MODULE” Field to the Layout.

Increment the size of the showcase field according to your prerequisite. Do we have to likewise say, you can change the Subtitle ‘TEXT_FROM_TEXT_MODULE’ too? We are getting apathetic today. We will keep it all things considered.

Check, Save and Activate.

You can approve the result, by executing the Structure independent. However, preferably, it ought to be tried from a driver program. Kindly check the driver program from past articles in the series. We have not composed it for you this time. Treat it as a hand-on home work for you.


Press on Print review. Whatever was saved in the Text Module is printed.

I trust this information helps you in some real-world projects. Hardcoding data that can change is not a good approach in any printing method. That’s why Text Modules and Standard Texts hold their own importance. In SAP Adobe Interactive Form Tutorial Part VII Displaying Text Module Texts in Adobe forms,” we will explore how to effectively display text modules in Adobe forms, ensuring flexibility and reducing the need for hardcoded values.


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